Microdermabrasion is a quick and safe form of exfoliation
for all skin types and colours with no downtime and no pain
or discomfort. At Vita MedSpa we use a powerful, specialized,
Crystal-free microdermabrasion machine that uses a
diamond-tipped applicator with a slight suction to remove
dead or damaged skin cells.
Microdermabrasion exfoliate the top layer of your skin,
removing unwanted dead cells and debris. The back and
forth motion of the professional grade microdermabrasion
tip removes dry, dead skin cells, lifting them off the stratum
corneum, and deep cleanses clogged pores while the skin
vacuuming and suctioning process increases circulation in
the skin. With regular Microdermabrasion treatments, the
simultaneous motions of micro-abrasion and
micro-circulatory stimulation can aid in rebuilding collagen
in the skin. The result is a fresh, clean, and bright complexion. Your products and makeup will go on smoothly.